Building an Amazing Cocktail List

Building an Amazing Cocktail List

Cocktail menus came into their own in the last few decades with the boom in interest in craft cocktails. Where cocktail lists were once the domain of high-end bars, now guests at even the smallest rural dive bars are looking for a cocktail list. That means every bar needs a cocktail menu, and it needs to be designed to drive profits. 

The Value of Food-Based Happy Hours

The Value of Food-Based Happy Hours

Food-based happy hours are a way to drive guests to your bar without cutting into your bar sales. For many bars, food is used as a way to sell drinks. Statistically, guests who eat food while at a bar stay about an hour longer. That means that food is a great way to increase your beverage sales. By using time-specific food promotions you can keep the higher margins on your drinks while increasing guest satisfaction and length of stay without decreasing your cocktail margins.

5 Steps to Cocktail Pricing for Bar Profits

5 Steps to Cocktail Pricing for Bar Profits

For many bar owners, one of the most difficult tasks is determining what price to charge for cocktails. This guide will walk you through a methodology that you can use to maximize your bar profits through your pricing, ensuring that you can hit the margins you need. Without a repeatable, standardized approach to pricing, you are only guessing, which means leaving money on the table. 

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